Emi wanted to be a witch princess up until the night of, and than she decided to be a mean/nice witch. (0: Josie painted all of our faces including Emi's with the little spider on her cheek.

Josie worked for quite awhile on her angel wings and the only thing that took time for my devil costume was the red face (it itched sooooo bad). And this is the little Frankenstein. We never got a good family shot with Emi so we've posted them this way.
We had a lot of fun going trick or treating at Great Grandpa and Grandma Randall's house and throughout our little ward. We than made it home to give three trick or treaters lots of candy. Yeah, not very many kids go trick or treating in our area.
Mom and dad Harris came over for dinner that night also. It was a lot of fun!!
Fun memories. Erin looked great with that red, red, face and devil's horns. I'll see if I have a good shot of him and forward it to them so he can post it.