Hello Family and Friends!! I've finally decided to start a blog in order to make it a bit easier to keep everyone up to date on our family. Sadly, I'm not a big fan of facebook. I don't know how well we will keep up with the blog in the beginning but I'm hoping that we'll keep up with it kind of like our journal writing (which sometimes I fall behind in doing (0:). This is our most recent family picture from April but I hope to update that soon because although Josie and I don't seem to change much physically the kids keep growing and changing all of the time, it's crazy!
We love you all and we'll try to keep this updated. For now, know that we are very happy striving to survive the life of students which doesn't provide us a lot of time or income. We love our callings in the Church and strive to serve faithfully in them as well as strengthening our children.